How to maintain and upkeep the reaction kettle

1.Installation location: The reaction kettle should be installed in a high-pressure operating room that meets explosion-proof requirements. When multiple reaction kettles are equipped, they should be placed separately, and each two should be separated by a safe explosion-proof wall. Each operating room should have channels and exits leading to the outside. When there are explosive media, good ventilation should be ensured in the equipment area.

2 After opening the packaging, check if the equipment is damaged. Install the equipment according to the model and structural diagram, and check the equipped parts according to the packing list. If the heating method is electric heating with heat transfer oil, please purchase the corresponding model of heat transfer oil according to the usage temperature (note: heat transfer oil naturally does not contain water) and add it. When adding, open the oil filling port on the upper part of the jacket and the oil level port on the upper part of the jacket. Add oil through the oil filling port and wait for the oil to flow. Then, tighten the oil level port to avoid pressure.

3 Installation and sealing of kettle body and kettle cover: The kettle body and kettle cover are in contact with the circular arc surface using gaskets or conical surfaces. The main nuts are tightened to ensure good sealing effect. When tightening the nuts, they must be diagonally symmetrical and gradually tightened multiple times, with even force. The kettle cover is not allowed to tilt to one side to achieve good sealing effect. When tightening the main nuts, the specified tightening torque should not exceed 40-120 N M range, to prevent the sealing surface from being crushed or worn out due to overload, special care should be taken for the sealing surface. Before each installation, use a soft paper or cloth to wipe the upper and lower sealing surfaces clean. Pay special attention not to scratch the sealing surface of the kettle body and kettle cover. If operated reasonably, it can be used more than ten thousand times. After the sealing surface is damaged, it needs to be reprocessed and repaired to achieve good sealing performance. When disassembling the kettle cover, the kettle cover should be slowly lifted up and down, Prevent the sealing surfaces between the kettle body and the kettle cover from colliding with each other. If gasket sealing is used (such as PTFE, aluminum gasket, copper gasket, asbestos gasket, etc.), a good sealing effect can be achieved by tightening the main nut.

4 The installation of valves, pressure gauges, and safety valves is achieved by tightening the positive and negative nuts to achieve a sealing effect. The circular sealing surfaces at both ends of the connection must not rotate relative to each other. When assembling all screw connections, lubricant or graphite mixed with oil must be applied to avoid biting. Use of valves: Needle valve line sealing. Simply gently rotate the valve needle and press the sealing surface to achieve good sealing performance. Do not use too much force to avoid damaging the sealing surface.

5 After the equipment is installed, a certain amount of nitrogen gas is introduced to maintain pressure for 30 minutes. Check for any leaks. If any leaks are found, use soap foam to search for the leakage points in the pipeline and pipe opening. After finding them, release the gas and tighten it. Then, nitrogen gas is introduced again for pressure testing to ensure that there are no leaks before starting normal operation.

6 When cooling down, water can be used for internal cooling through the cooling coil. Rapid cooling is prohibited to prevent excessive temperature difference stress, which may cause cracks in the cooling coil and kettle body. When the temperature inside the kettle exceeds 100 ℃ during operation, the water jacket between the magnetic stirrer and the kettle cover should be filled with cooling water to ensure that the water temperature is less than 35 ℃ to prevent demagnetization of the magnetic steel.

7.After the reaction is completed, first cool down and release the gas inside the kettle through the pipeline to the outside, reducing the pressure inside the kettle to normal pressure. It is strictly prohibited to disassemble under pressure. Then, symmetrically loosen and remove the main bolts and nuts, and carefully remove the kettle cover (or lift it up) and place it on the bracket. During the process of removing the cover, special attention should be paid to protecting the sealing surface.

8.Cleaning inside the kettle: After each operation, use cleaning solution (be careful not to corrode the main material) to remove residue from the kettle body and sealing surface. It should be cleaned regularly and kept clean. It is not allowed to use hard substances or rough surface items for cleaning.
